Journal Entries

Day 3, second attempt

Just testing to see if I can get a new entry started properly.

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Latest reply: May 9, 2010

Day 2

Im not sure I will have done this right as in getting a new day started but I can check with R on Monday if not

It is a beautiful day

Im about to go for a swim. Finn is pottering round happily in the garden. Bill is studying as he has a tutorial this am, Chris and Lizzie are still asleep. Lizzie went to a party dressed as a ladybird last night. I didnt see her but no doubt the photos will be on Facebook sometime today. She si working today so it will be just me and Chris at home.

I want to do some work for Dundee and Falkirk and to look at my essay at some point today as well as typing up the notes. If I write it down here it might make me do it.

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Latest reply: May 8, 2010

Second time lucky

I tried to start a journal yesterday but failed misterably.

I have now prevailed upon my esteemed fellow journalista Woofti to get me going with this new enterprise.

smiley - magic

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Latest reply: May 7, 2010

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