This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Day 3, second attempt

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Just testing to see if I can get a new entry started properly.

Day 3, second attempt

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Right the task is now to get the original entries moved to here.

Day 3, second attempt

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Moved from Day 2 entries

I went to bed quite early last night. Woke at 5 ish as usual but went back to sleep until well after 9. Bill had gone and got Finn so he was asleep on the bed as well.

The weather doesnt look like it knows what to do today

Plans for the day include the standing items of swimming and dog walking and I then have some marking to do. Im getting on top of things workwise which is good. All my work stuff is back down in the hut now that the weather is better and I find that a lot easier.

Day 3, second attempt

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well done. I've just sent you an email telling you how to do it, but you've done it on your own.

Day 3, second attempt

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

Yep techno numpty suppport team you are. i can feel another tee shirt coming on.smiley - biggrin

Day 3, second attempt

Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

I havent done a huge amount today. Had the dog out for a nice walk, read the papers, been to Tesco, pottered a bit in the garden and thats it really.

Ive checked my train times for tomorrow. It only takes half an hour which is great. I will have some time before and after the meeting to potter and still get back to Stirling for my evening meeting.

Im having a bit more time at home than of late this coming week. Much needed especially as Im working on Saturday. Im only working one evening which is tomorrow. Excellent.

Bill is going away firstly to Kielder camping with his mam and his sister and her partner for a couple of days and then he is in Aberfedly for 3 days at a cycling event.

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