
Im Anne-Marie. I live in Perth with my husband and adult "boomerang" offspring and our one year old black lab Finn.

Im self employed and work all over Scotland but mainly just now in the central belt.

I really like swimming, walking my dog, spending time with friends and family and pottering about in interesting places. Im really interested in design in all sorts of ways and tend to base trips and holidays around looking at things that interest me.

I would like to split my time between here, the North East of England where Im from and have very strong ties and Holland where I feel really at home. I suppose I do do that to a small extent so maybe what I mean is that I would like to increase the time spent in the NE and Holland.

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An ACE G'day whitbyrose ... Aug 4, 2008


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
09.07.15 No Posting Jul 9, 2015
08.07.15 No Posting Jul 9, 2015
07.07.15 No Posting Jul 8, 2015
06.07.15 No Posting Jul 6, 2015
04.07.15 No Posting Jul 4, 2015


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MV Whitby May Rose

Researcher U6862284


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