
I live in the Irish Midlands, in the Royal County of Meath. I manage a motorway maintenance depot - I have a team of people (maintenance, electrical, mechanical, adminstrative) and together we look after 39km of motorway.

My family are mostly Scottish, with a fair amount of Welsh and a sprinkling of Irish; my dad was a pilot in the RAF so we moved around a lot when I was young, and I have continued the practice wherever my work has taken me. As a result I am a bit "rootless" and am faintly envious of folk who belong somewhere and/or have a strong sense of place.

I ended up in Ireland by accident three years ago...meant to stay for 6 months to see what it was like, and am still here in a position of responsibility. I've never really had a life plan, so I'l just see how it goes from here. Ireland is home although it isn't Home; at least, none of the bits I've lived in so far have been.

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Back to Stirling No Posting Nov 24, 2010
Dundee all day No Posting Nov 23, 2010
Back to Scotland No Posting Nov 22, 2010
Sunday in Malaga No Posting Nov 21, 2010
Saturdy in Malaga No Posting Nov 20, 2010


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