Journal Entries

Thursday already

Yesterday was long and hard. I was so tired that I fell asleep on R's sofa.

Today is a lot easier. Im off for a swim in a minute having had a rather nice walk with Finn earlier. Then it is Falkirk for the morning. They are just doing revision today as have their closed book assessment next week. This afternoon Anne, Lesley and I are working on our conference abstract for Cardiff.

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Latest reply: May 20, 2010

Ive missed a day!!!!

Oh dear I appear to be no Samuel Pepys

Yesterday was busy. I was in Dundee in the morning and we finished Children's Rights. Came home briefly and then dashed off to Stirling. Had the most humungously difficult meeting for which I have just written the minute. Can of worms time yet again.

Went back to the office briefly as needed time to kind of come to terms with things and then headed round to see the L's who were in a better frame of mind than of late so that was good.

Picked R up and headed through to Perth for a swim and a steam. It was a lovely evening and we went to the Chinese Buffet. Dropped R off and came home for a quiet evening.

Lizzie texted me with some good news re a promotion at work. Her and Chris have extended their trip to Denmark to a week so that they can be there when Denmark play a World Cup game (Denmark v Ivory Coast surely not the most glamorous of the ties that will be seen this summer. Lizzie also booked her Kendal Calling ticket. They will have a ball if it is anything like as good as when Chris went last year.

It is raining today. Im taking R to an appt first thing ( must remind him to make nurse appt) and then have a full programme of work until 6. Not working tonight though which is unusual for a Wednesday.

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Latest reply: May 19, 2010

Stirling, Dundee, Pitlochry here I come

I had a nice quiet day yesterday recovering from Saturday. I went for a swim and to the shop first thing and then spent the rest of the day working, doing some housework and garden stuff, reading the papers and watching Lewis.

Today and tomorrow Im doing that thing I try to avoid which is to head in one direction and then turn round and come right past home to go somewhere else. Today I need to be in Stirling first thing and then in Dundee this afternoon. Tonight Bill and I are going to Pitlochry to see Des Dillon. I hope it is good.

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Latest reply: May 17, 2010


Yesterday was brilliant

The Play event was fantastic from beginning to end. Everyone turned up, the sun shone and they all had a fab time.

It is years since I have felt that anxious about something and it was really good fun and a total success.

I called in to see R on the way home, came home, had tea ( Baked potato and broccoli and pasta bake which was left over from Friday). I was so tired after several nights of broken sleep so went to bed for a couple of hours. I slept until just before 10 and then got up and watched Vicky Christina Barcleona which I really enjoyed. I went to bed at midnight as soon as the film was finished. A very good day.

Bill had had a good time as well at his bike event and Chris had enjoyed a day in Stirling. I hadnt realised that Lizzie had gone out to meet him while I was asleep so when I heard the key in the door I thought it was just going to be him but it was both of them.

I havent really thought through how today is going to pan out. I have a few e mails to reply to from yeaterday, some work to type up from Friday and a training diary to draft up for tomorrow but none of that will take too long. R might come through for a steam in the middle of the day. Im hoping that Lewis will be on tonight as enjoy a good murder on a Sunday night.

The week ahead is not too bad. Tomorrow Im in Stirling forst thing, then through to Dundee for a meeting about level 9 and then off to Pitlochry Festival to see Des Dillon. Tuesday is Dundee and then Stirling. Wednesday isnt as long as I thought it was going to be as the evening meeting has been moved to the next week and will fit in to what I already have on. Thursday is Falkirk and then Im not sure but I know Im not working in the evening and as things stand Im going to have a day at home on Friday which will lead into a weekend at home. Not too bad at all.

Dundee Utd and Chelsea won the cups.

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Latest reply: May 16, 2010

Fingers crossed

Another quickie while I eat my brekafast.

I am leaving soon and I hope to return having had a good day with no problems.

I am so glad that Anne and Lesley are going to be there as I feel I need some support.

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Latest reply: May 15, 2010

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