Journal Entries

Dundee, Uddingston, Stirling

A quickie as I have just remembered that I am seeing Dorota just after 9.

It is going to be a long and busy day today as I have to go and teach my class, then drive for nearly 2 hours and do an assessment and then go to a course reg night followed on the way home by a cuppa and chat with R.

It is a beautiful day.

Sounds like C and L got to Manchester ok. The joy of Facebook

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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2010

3 long days ahead

What a lovely morning

I have had a very broken night again. It is my own fault for going for a sleep in the afternoon. Well I definitely cant do that today.

Im leaving soon as want to catch 2 clubs during their breakfast clubs and go to a nursery. Got the NPA class this morning instead of Wednesday, then seeing June, then doing some course work, meeting with Colin and Kerry, cuppa with Richard and a meeting at St Ninian's tonight and then home to look over the Uddingston pack for tomorrow.

Ive said goodbye to Chris and will say bye to Lizzie in a minute. Im meeting Lizzie off the plane on Friday and she will drive my car home and I will take the train to Berwick. Bill and his mam and the dogs are all now going on Thursday.

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Latest reply: Jun 14, 2010

Wet, working Sunday

Oh dear it is wet

I have today to do

A reference for Adelfa
Sort out work stuff
Prepare for my NPA class tomorrow ( nearly done)
Prepare for my NPA class on Tuesday ( which I will photocopy tomorrow during NPA class)
Do some coursework (aaagh)
Print off assessors form and do some work on pack for Uddingston on Tuesday
Work out how to get to Uddingston on Tuesday
Check out how to get to Berwick on Friday by train

I think that is it work wise. I havent heard from Hilary so assume we arent meeting up for me to give her the C and K packs. Heaven knows when I will be able to see her now. Im working 3 x 12 hour days this week and then on Thursday working 8-6 and then going out.

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2010


Im off to Edinburgh today. Lunch at the Botanic Gardens and a Diane Arbus exhinbition that finishes tomorrow at the Dean Gallery

Bill has gone to his First Aid course. He has made moussaka for tea.

Chris didnt make it home from his footie watching in Stirling.

It is a lovely day. Lots of birdsong from the garden

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Latest reply: Jun 12, 2010

Friday again

Im glad it is Friday. Im feeling a bit on the anxious side at the moment and need some down time.

Ive got a meeting with Janet first thing and then meeting Bev for lunch, off to see Katie after that and then doing some club visits out in the country.

No plans for tonight although I suppose I should make a list of all the things that I need to do before Monday

Only 2 more weeks of term time in Stirling and one more in most of the other places I work. That feels like a bonus week for tying up loose ends.

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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2010

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