This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Friday again

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im glad it is Friday. Im feeling a bit on the anxious side at the moment and need some down time.

Ive got a meeting with Janet first thing and then meeting Bev for lunch, off to see Katie after that and then doing some club visits out in the country.

No plans for tonight although I suppose I should make a list of all the things that I need to do before Monday

Only 2 more weeks of term time in Stirling and one more in most of the other places I work. That feels like a bonus week for tying up loose ends.

Friday again

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I did everything I wanted to do except that i didnt get to Fintry. I went to ROSC instead.

It was a non stop day. I didnt go round to R's for my daily cuppa until after 6pm. Im surprised he was still serving!!!!!!

Chris has gone to Stirling to watch the footie. Lizzie was working until 10 but is now home with Cameron in tow as usual. He is on his motorbike tonight.

Bill is doing a 2 day first aid course this weekend. He has to go all the way to lochore Meadows for it.

Im off to Edinburgh tomorrow for lunch. It is my designated social activity of the weekend ( unless I see Hilary on Sunday).

Hil texted me to say they are looking for relief lecturers at Dundee College. I once had an interview for a proper job there when i was desperate to get a job. I got right down to the last 2 and then lost out to someone i knew and liked. It was painful at the time but if I had got the job i would never have done the things that I have done in the past 8 years. I really do believe that everything happens for a reason.

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