This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

3 long days ahead

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

What a lovely morning

I have had a very broken night again. It is my own fault for going for a sleep in the afternoon. Well I definitely cant do that today.

Im leaving soon as want to catch 2 clubs during their breakfast clubs and go to a nursery. Got the NPA class this morning instead of Wednesday, then seeing June, then doing some course work, meeting with Colin and Kerry, cuppa with Richard and a meeting at St Ninian's tonight and then home to look over the Uddingston pack for tomorrow.

Ive said goodbye to Chris and will say bye to Lizzie in a minute. Im meeting Lizzie off the plane on Friday and she will drive my car home and I will take the train to Berwick. Bill and his mam and the dogs are all now going on Thursday.

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3 long days ahead

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