This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Wet, working Sunday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear it is wet

I have today to do

A reference for Adelfa
Sort out work stuff
Prepare for my NPA class tomorrow ( nearly done)
Prepare for my NPA class on Tuesday ( which I will photocopy tomorrow during NPA class)
Do some coursework (aaagh)
Print off assessors form and do some work on pack for Uddingston on Tuesday
Work out how to get to Uddingston on Tuesday
Check out how to get to Berwick on Friday by train

I think that is it work wise. I havent heard from Hilary so assume we arent meeting up for me to give her the C and K packs. Heaven knows when I will be able to see her now. Im working 3 x 12 hour days this week and then on Thursday working 8-6 and then going out.

Wet, working Sunday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I have so far, checked how to get to Berwick, done A's reference, printed off the forms for both Uddingston and Galashiels, prepared my class for Tuesday and printed it all out, prepared something for Katie to do as homework, printed Isabels last play assessment, got all my stuff ready for photocopying, got my course work together but not actually done any as I have 2 gaps tomorrow in the office when I can do some, typed up the notes from my meeting with Bev on Friday.

Still to do, how to get to Uddingston ( I think I will buy a map book as have lots of AHS visits to do), type up Playhaven notes and type up agenda for Wednesday and weekly event list ( those last two werent on the original list but I remembered them later), look through the Uddingston pack ( might do that tomorrow night).

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