Journal Entries

The server was too busy

I didnt write anything yesterday as ML was so hard to get into

I had a very good day

I was at Annes in the morning for a meeting some of which we spent in the garden which was a real sun trap

After that I was in the office for a few hours catching up with bits and pieces and having a couple of meetings

I managed to get away at 2.15 and so Richard and I were on the train to Glasgow by 3. We went to Jo Malone first to get the candle he was going to get me for my birthday but it was shut as they were rearranging it. I can go and get one on Monday as Im in Glasgow with Hilary.

We went to the Horsehoe and by chance Hil e mailed me while I was there. I replied mentioning the night we had been in there and MM was really freaked out by it. She said she had been in there with Neil earlier in the year and they had had the same discussion. The Horsehoe hasnt changed one bit in all these years. I was telling R about being in there one night and losing my return ticket to ireland. That was 1984.

We then got the underground up to Hillhead and went to the wee bar at the Ubiquitous Chip. They have a very big window which we sat by and R was able to go out and have a fag and chat to me with his pint in the same place as it had been when he was indoors. Very handy

We had our curry as planned at the Ashoka. It was lovely. I really like it there.

We were both ready for home by then and headed for the train. We were back in Stirling for 7.30 and I was in the pool by 8.30 which was fab.

I was in bed quite early. Poor Bill had an essay to finish.


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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2010

Totally shattered

It has been another busy day after a broken night

I was up quite early having been awake at about 3 and went for a swim

Through to Falkirk and taught both my classes.

After that I met Dianne and we went to a really nice restaurant just by the Falkirk wheel. I headed into the office after that and did a bit of work and then came home.

Lizzie has gone off up to Dunkeld for the second night in a row. Bill has made a very nice looking macaroni cheese for tea. It is a lovely evening. Ive got some work to do and some e mails to catch up on and I want to go for a swim at 9 ish.

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2010

Wednesday, middle of the week

I had a very early start this morning. Chris has got some work every morning at a different OSC and I took him today so that he would know where to go in future. I then headed straight through to Stirling as I needed to go and see R to make an appt for him that Im taking him to.

I then had a good meeting with Janet. After that I headed up to the nursery for my class and then had a meeting with Anne after it to discuss event publicity. I took Katie up to work and gave her some ideas on how to handle her interview tonight ( she got it, yeah) and to see M about mentoring K. I was there ages longer than I had meant to be and so was starving by that point. I went to the Smith and had a lovely lunch of sweet potato and coconut soup and tuna sandwich and a piece of peppermint tray bake ( it was gluten free and I didnt really like it). I then got a ticket for a talk next Wednesday which is part of the Stirling/Galway event. It is the only one I could get to as Im tied up the rest of the time. Went into the office for a bit and then had one last meeting. Headed up for a cuppa with R who wasnt grumpy today ( Thank You God). Came home and have been mainly working. I cant quite comprehend what has happened in Cumbria. Terrible.

It is a lovely evening here. I am glad that it is Wednesday and will soon be the weekend. I am off to an exhibition in Edinburgh and hopefully a talk if we can get tickets. Im seeing Dianne for lunch tomorrow and going to Glasgow with R on Friday for our postponed birthday jaunt. A busy week socially.

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Latest reply: Jun 2, 2010

Home again

I was feeling really tired this afternoon and when I thought about what I have done over the past few days Im not surprised.

Sat we drove down and listened to An Inspector Calls on the radio ( although we didnt know what it was until it had finished). Excellent.

We werent at the cottage for long when we had to leave to go and see mam, dad and Peter. we went to the Dun Cow at Sedgefield and it was really nice. We were in a private raised area. It was very busy. Fr C, the brother of mams old friend Mary was in there but we didnt see him. He is friends with Val Doonican which is somewhat Fr Ted like.

Sunday morning I had a bit of a lie in and then headed to Masham to meet AMS. I took all the Saturday magazines as she is always late but she was there before me. We had a very nice lunch and then had a walk around Masham including past J and C's house which is let out at the moment.

I went home via Middleham, Leyburn and Richmond. I stopped at Jervaulx Abbey for a while as I was behind 3 gipsy traveller caravans ( the traditional sort). They will have been on their way to Appleby Horse Fair. I then went through Barnard Castle where there was a steam fair on and to Middleton in teesdale and did some shopping. I came home over the top.

Yesterday we didnt set off as early as we would have liked so didnt get to Belsay until 12. We had a very nice walk and even though it was really busy Finn coped really well with the crowds. It was very hot. I had to queue for ages to get lunch and it meant we didnt leave Beslay until nearly 3 so I texted M to ask if we could put back our meeting time by an hour. Home at 6 and out again at 6.45. I had a lovely evening with M.It was a beautiful night. I love being by a river or the sea.

I really enjoyed the seminar this am. It was really interesting and I got loads of ideas. I went to IKEA and bought a chair for the hut and then went to Stirling. Went into the office and then to see Anne. I was going to go to a club or 2 but was so tired that I decided to finish early and go to see R earlier than planned. He was VERY grumpy so I didnt stay long.

I had a rather nice Tuna salad for tea and have done some work

Chris has got an extra 5 hours a week work at a breakfast club which is great news.

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Latest reply: Jun 1, 2010

Off I shall jolly well pop

Well yesterday came and went

I pottered about at home for a bit after my swim.

First port of call was E. Always good to catch up with him and to hear what they have planned. Then it was lunch at Doyles and a discussion re a possible expansion for G and C. It is weird to think that I am unlikley to see anything that I am doing now through. After that I went to see D as was sure she was going off on maternity leave soon but she is there until the end of August and so I will pop in again over the summer. I went into the office for a bit. Saw D who is about to go on 2 weeks leave. I wonder who we will get instead? Still Im not in much these days.

I went round to R's and when I got there the tea was just brewing and a plate of biscuits was sitting next to my chair. I dont get looked after like this at home!!!!

Last port of call was B of A and I had a look at the wildlife garden which is really nice but they havent asked yet if they can use it.

Home for a while and then off to the theatre to meet Chris to go to see Will Self. He was highly entertaining as I had thought he would be. It wasnt that busy but then I dont suppose he is on the radar of a lot of Perth residents. He said something very interesting ( or was it rude or was it an observation, I cant decide) about Carol Vorderman who he had been on a Question Time panel with.

Came home and just pottered about on the internet until bedtime.

So, today Im going for a swim and then heading to the cottage and then meeting my mam and dad and maybe Peter for tea at the Dun Cow.

Tomorrow Im heading down to Masham to meet AMS for lunch. She e mailed me last night to say she was trying to get a girl into a residential placement and was struggling to get it sorted ( although she e mailed later to say it was sorted). On Chrsitmas Eve she emailed me really late to say she was still working as was trying to find a foster home for some Russian children. It must be so hard working in fostering.

I havent packed yet so will do that later as I dont want to wake Bill.

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Latest reply: May 29, 2010

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