This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Wednesday, middle of the week

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had a very early start this morning. Chris has got some work every morning at a different OSC and I took him today so that he would know where to go in future. I then headed straight through to Stirling as I needed to go and see R to make an appt for him that Im taking him to.

I then had a good meeting with Janet. After that I headed up to the nursery for my class and then had a meeting with Anne after it to discuss event publicity. I took Katie up to work and gave her some ideas on how to handle her interview tonight ( she got it, yeah) and to see M about mentoring K. I was there ages longer than I had meant to be and so was starving by that point. I went to the Smith and had a lovely lunch of sweet potato and coconut soup and tuna sandwich and a piece of peppermint tray bake ( it was gluten free and I didnt really like it). I then got a ticket for a talk next Wednesday which is part of the Stirling/Galway event. It is the only one I could get to as Im tied up the rest of the time. Went into the office for a bit and then had one last meeting. Headed up for a cuppa with R who wasnt grumpy today ( Thank You God). Came home and have been mainly working. I cant quite comprehend what has happened in Cumbria. Terrible.

It is a lovely evening here. I am glad that it is Wednesday and will soon be the weekend. I am off to an exhibition in Edinburgh and hopefully a talk if we can get tickets. Im seeing Dianne for lunch tomorrow and going to Glasgow with R on Friday for our postponed birthday jaunt. A busy week socially.

Wednesday, middle of the week

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy


Of course I wasn't grumpy. I'm never grumpy. smiley - winkeye

Looking forward to Glasgow. I will have a look for my brown belt tomorrow. You can't wear a beige linen suit with a black leather belt. That would be a terrible style crime.

smiley - smiley

Wednesday, middle of the week

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose


I hope you find it. It must be in your wardrobe somewhere or your suitcase having not been unpacked after the SA trip.
smiley - cool ( me in Glasgow)

Wednesday, middle of the week

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think it may be in one of those big plastic clothes boxes with the red lids in the cupboard. It must be here somewhere. If I don't find it I'll have to pop through to town (or to Perth) and get a new one.

I think I'll wear that Next shirt from the charity shop. A fresh, bright look for Glasgow's premier curry house.

I hope you've chosen a good curry house that does Thali.

See you tomorrow. Enjoy what's left of the evening and have a good night.

smiley - biggrin

Wednesday, middle of the week

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

AShoka Ashton lane is my first choice

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