This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

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MV Whitby May Rose

I was feeling really tired this afternoon and when I thought about what I have done over the past few days Im not surprised.

Sat we drove down and listened to An Inspector Calls on the radio ( although we didnt know what it was until it had finished). Excellent.

We werent at the cottage for long when we had to leave to go and see mam, dad and Peter. we went to the Dun Cow at Sedgefield and it was really nice. We were in a private raised area. It was very busy. Fr C, the brother of mams old friend Mary was in there but we didnt see him. He is friends with Val Doonican which is somewhat Fr Ted like.

Sunday morning I had a bit of a lie in and then headed to Masham to meet AMS. I took all the Saturday magazines as she is always late but she was there before me. We had a very nice lunch and then had a walk around Masham including past J and C's house which is let out at the moment.

I went home via Middleham, Leyburn and Richmond. I stopped at Jervaulx Abbey for a while as I was behind 3 gipsy traveller caravans ( the traditional sort). They will have been on their way to Appleby Horse Fair. I then went through Barnard Castle where there was a steam fair on and to Middleton in teesdale and did some shopping. I came home over the top.

Yesterday we didnt set off as early as we would have liked so didnt get to Belsay until 12. We had a very nice walk and even though it was really busy Finn coped really well with the crowds. It was very hot. I had to queue for ages to get lunch and it meant we didnt leave Beslay until nearly 3 so I texted M to ask if we could put back our meeting time by an hour. Home at 6 and out again at 6.45. I had a lovely evening with M.It was a beautiful night. I love being by a river or the sea.

I really enjoyed the seminar this am. It was really interesting and I got loads of ideas. I went to IKEA and bought a chair for the hut and then went to Stirling. Went into the office and then to see Anne. I was going to go to a club or 2 but was so tired that I decided to finish early and go to see R earlier than planned. He was VERY grumpy so I didnt stay long.

I had a rather nice Tuna salad for tea and have done some work

Chris has got an extra 5 hours a week work at a breakfast club which is great news.

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