This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Off I shall jolly well pop

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well yesterday came and went

I pottered about at home for a bit after my swim.

First port of call was E. Always good to catch up with him and to hear what they have planned. Then it was lunch at Doyles and a discussion re a possible expansion for G and C. It is weird to think that I am unlikley to see anything that I am doing now through. After that I went to see D as was sure she was going off on maternity leave soon but she is there until the end of August and so I will pop in again over the summer. I went into the office for a bit. Saw D who is about to go on 2 weeks leave. I wonder who we will get instead? Still Im not in much these days.

I went round to R's and when I got there the tea was just brewing and a plate of biscuits was sitting next to my chair. I dont get looked after like this at home!!!!

Last port of call was B of A and I had a look at the wildlife garden which is really nice but they havent asked yet if they can use it.

Home for a while and then off to the theatre to meet Chris to go to see Will Self. He was highly entertaining as I had thought he would be. It wasnt that busy but then I dont suppose he is on the radar of a lot of Perth residents. He said something very interesting ( or was it rude or was it an observation, I cant decide) about Carol Vorderman who he had been on a Question Time panel with.

Came home and just pottered about on the internet until bedtime.

So, today Im going for a swim and then heading to the cottage and then meeting my mam and dad and maybe Peter for tea at the Dun Cow.

Tomorrow Im heading down to Masham to meet AMS for lunch. She e mailed me last night to say she was trying to get a girl into a residential placement and was struggling to get it sorted ( although she e mailed later to say it was sorted). On Chrsitmas Eve she emailed me really late to say she was still working as was trying to find a foster home for some Russian children. It must be so hard working in fostering.

I havent packed yet so will do that later as I dont want to wake Bill.

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Off I shall jolly well pop

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