This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

The server was too busy

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I didnt write anything yesterday as ML was so hard to get into

I had a very good day

I was at Annes in the morning for a meeting some of which we spent in the garden which was a real sun trap

After that I was in the office for a few hours catching up with bits and pieces and having a couple of meetings

I managed to get away at 2.15 and so Richard and I were on the train to Glasgow by 3. We went to Jo Malone first to get the candle he was going to get me for my birthday but it was shut as they were rearranging it. I can go and get one on Monday as Im in Glasgow with Hilary.

We went to the Horsehoe and by chance Hil e mailed me while I was there. I replied mentioning the night we had been in there and MM was really freaked out by it. She said she had been in there with Neil earlier in the year and they had had the same discussion. The Horsehoe hasnt changed one bit in all these years. I was telling R about being in there one night and losing my return ticket to ireland. That was 1984.

We then got the underground up to Hillhead and went to the wee bar at the Ubiquitous Chip. They have a very big window which we sat by and R was able to go out and have a fag and chat to me with his pint in the same place as it had been when he was indoors. Very handy

We had our curry as planned at the Ashoka. It was lovely. I really like it there.

We were both ready for home by then and headed for the train. We were back in Stirling for 7.30 and I was in the pool by 8.30 which was fab.

I was in bed quite early. Poor Bill had an essay to finish.


The server was too busy

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes it was a top curry. Very nice indeed.

I've been asleep for the past 3 hours. Just woken up.

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