Journal Entries

Not very good at this lark

Well I seem to have missed a day again. Must try harder

yesterday was another busy and exhausting day. I was in Falkirk twice and Stirling twice. I didnt go swimming as once I got home I was too tired to do anything and I went to bed really early.

I got up at 5 and marked the tests from yesterday. Everyone passed which was great. I have set up a sort of evaluation/celebration session for them and their mentors in two weeks.

The eggs in the nest have hatched. The nest is now a wriggling mass of baby birds. I think there are 3.

Got some fab news yesterday. Chris has got a free VIP ticket for T in the Park with 5 of his friends. The cousin of one of them is tour manager for Muse and he has given them them. I am SO pleased for him. Lizzie didnt have such a good day. Cameron came off his motorbike in front of her yesterday afternoon and she is pretty traumatised. He is obviously ok as he is asleep on her floor. Horrible thing to happen.

off to work soon. Im going to Dunblane and then up to Doyles for a working lunch and then a few club visits and a cuppa with R. Chris and I are going to see Will Self tonight which Im very much looking forward to.

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Latest reply: May 28, 2010

Oh dear

I seem to have forgotten to write my journal again yesterday

It was a very busy day.

I went through to Stirling first thing. Popped in to see R briefly then had meetings till 1 when we went to get his new computer. I went to work for a while and then went back round for a sleep before going to Tesco and then for a walk over to Cambuskenneth. Back to work a 7 and didnt get home until 10.15.

Watched a Midsomer Murder.

Today I went for a swim before heading to Dundee. Home for lunch en famille and then met R in town before meeting up with Sheena. R and I then went up to Dunkeld for an early evening meal and I dropped him for the train at 6.15.

Ive been doing some work tonight. I need an early night. Working late tomorrow again

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Latest reply: May 25, 2010

Rain, rain, more rain and then sun

I had a fab swim when I dropped Chris and then came back and sorted all my work stuff out.

I pottered about in the evening and helped Bill with the greenhouse foundations. We had a very late dinner of asparagus risotto which was fantastic.

Today I woke at 6.20 and it was really really wet. I went for a swim and then to Tesco. The morning zoomed by and I went for a sleep in the afternoon after doing quite a lot of work. When I got up I helped Bill and Lizzie to put the greenhouse into place. It is green and blends in really well to the bottom of the garden. Bill is going to be glazing it tomorrow. Im glad I wont be here for the angst and swearing.

I have done some more work and am going to watch Martin Amis's Money later ( and read the papers). It has been a really good weekend but far too short.

The week ahead should be good, a good balance after weeks of far too much work and family stuff and not enough social time. Im working late two nights and have an afternoon Archers Meet hopefully followed by going up to Dunkeld with R after it. Im going to visit my new SVQ candidates on Thursday, am off to Doyle's for a working lunch with G and C on Friday and then seeing Will Self with Chris on Friday night before a weekend at the cottage and lunch in Masham with AMS next Sunday. Im hoping that the wine shop there will have some wooden wine boxes for sale. Im sure I have seen them there before.

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Latest reply: May 23, 2010

Hot, hot , hot

What a weird day yesterday was. I was on the go from 4.30 am until after midnight ( albeit watching a Poirot for the last 2 hours).

I got loads of work done and pottered about the house and garden. I didnt go out at all apart from swimming first thing. It was really hot as it is today.

Chris went to see Rich Hall which he said was great and then he went to the pub and met people he had known at school. Lizzie was there as well having said she wasnt going out as was working at 7 but she did go and they came home together. Chris is off to a music festival in Glasgow tonight but for now he is helping Bill erect a greenhouse.

The blackbird seems fine. I hope she is getting enough to eat. She just sits on her nest whenever we are in the garden which given that the area for the greenhouse is next to her nest is quite a lot

Chris is getting the train at 3.10 so I will take him down and go for a swim then. I need to sort out all my work stuff from last week so will do that down in the hut later.

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Latest reply: May 22, 2010

A day at home

Yesterday was easier than the day before. The Falkirk classes were revising for their test next week. I then went to Annes and made plans with her and Lesley for the conference abstract and also floated the idea with them of us setting up a not for profit training organisation and possibly also getting premises in the centre of Stirling. I would love to get into the Cowane Centre but it doesnt seem to be available anymore in the way it used to be.

It was a beautiful day. R came back with me to go to the pool again. It is fab to have his company on the journey. I get so fed up of driving on my own the whole time.

When I got home I was shattered and went for a sleep. Unfortunately I didnt wake up until 11.30 and had a real job getting back to sleep. I woke again about 4.30 and got up at 5 and took Finn out. I have been doing e mails and work since then including sending my May invoices out.

I am having an admin day at home today. I need to type up a few things and prepare stuff for next week as well as doing some more work on my reflective account on play theory.

Bill said last night that Chris has found out that there are going to be redundancies. Things are not looking good for the public sector at all.

Today is meant to be the hottest day of the year so far. Im glad that I will be at home.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2010

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