This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Oh dear

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I seem to have forgotten to write my journal again yesterday

It was a very busy day.

I went through to Stirling first thing. Popped in to see R briefly then had meetings till 1 when we went to get his new computer. I went to work for a while and then went back round for a sleep before going to Tesco and then for a walk over to Cambuskenneth. Back to work a 7 and didnt get home until 10.15.

Watched a Midsomer Murder.

Today I went for a swim before heading to Dundee. Home for lunch en famille and then met R in town before meeting up with Sheena. R and I then went up to Dunkeld for an early evening meal and I dropped him for the train at 6.15.

Ive been doing some work tonight. I need an early night. Working late tomorrow again

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