This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Hot, hot , hot

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

What a weird day yesterday was. I was on the go from 4.30 am until after midnight ( albeit watching a Poirot for the last 2 hours).

I got loads of work done and pottered about the house and garden. I didnt go out at all apart from swimming first thing. It was really hot as it is today.

Chris went to see Rich Hall which he said was great and then he went to the pub and met people he had known at school. Lizzie was there as well having said she wasnt going out as was working at 7 but she did go and they came home together. Chris is off to a music festival in Glasgow tonight but for now he is helping Bill erect a greenhouse.

The blackbird seems fine. I hope she is getting enough to eat. She just sits on her nest whenever we are in the garden which given that the area for the greenhouse is next to her nest is quite a lot

Chris is getting the train at 3.10 so I will take him down and go for a swim then. I need to sort out all my work stuff from last week so will do that down in the hut later.

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