This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A day at home

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Yesterday was easier than the day before. The Falkirk classes were revising for their test next week. I then went to Annes and made plans with her and Lesley for the conference abstract and also floated the idea with them of us setting up a not for profit training organisation and possibly also getting premises in the centre of Stirling. I would love to get into the Cowane Centre but it doesnt seem to be available anymore in the way it used to be.

It was a beautiful day. R came back with me to go to the pool again. It is fab to have his company on the journey. I get so fed up of driving on my own the whole time.

When I got home I was shattered and went for a sleep. Unfortunately I didnt wake up until 11.30 and had a real job getting back to sleep. I woke again about 4.30 and got up at 5 and took Finn out. I have been doing e mails and work since then including sending my May invoices out.

I am having an admin day at home today. I need to type up a few things and prepare stuff for next week as well as doing some more work on my reflective account on play theory.

Bill said last night that Chris has found out that there are going to be redundancies. Things are not looking good for the public sector at all.

Today is meant to be the hottest day of the year so far. Im glad that I will be at home.

A day at home

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy


smiley - smiley

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