This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Not very good at this lark

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I seem to have missed a day again. Must try harder

yesterday was another busy and exhausting day. I was in Falkirk twice and Stirling twice. I didnt go swimming as once I got home I was too tired to do anything and I went to bed really early.

I got up at 5 and marked the tests from yesterday. Everyone passed which was great. I have set up a sort of evaluation/celebration session for them and their mentors in two weeks.

The eggs in the nest have hatched. The nest is now a wriggling mass of baby birds. I think there are 3.

Got some fab news yesterday. Chris has got a free VIP ticket for T in the Park with 5 of his friends. The cousin of one of them is tour manager for Muse and he has given them them. I am SO pleased for him. Lizzie didnt have such a good day. Cameron came off his motorbike in front of her yesterday afternoon and she is pretty traumatised. He is obviously ok as he is asleep on her floor. Horrible thing to happen.

off to work soon. Im going to Dunblane and then up to Doyles for a working lunch and then a few club visits and a cuppa with R. Chris and I are going to see Will Self tonight which Im very much looking forward to.

Not very good at this lark

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I forgot to say that the greenhouse is now up and running. It looks really nice nestling at the bottom of the garden. It is funny that after 13 years of speculation as to what we should have at that end of the garden it is now developed. Bill is working on raised veg beds opposite the greenhouse. Finn is really freaked out by all the change.

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