Journal Entries

Fingers crossed

Yesterday was a bit of an odd day. I was out for ages but only did 3 hours work.

I went through to the Plus Xmas party but everyone was in groups and Im so useless at mingling that I spoke to Jodie for a few minutes and then went through and did some work.

I was all set to go and see Steven but went to Dobbies to do some Xmas shopping and for lunch and somehow it got too late. I went and did a couple of club visits and was home by 5.

No a very good evening at home. Not sure what is going on.

I had a letter saying I hadnt got the OU post so that was disappointing as I would have really enjoyed that. It was only 6 hours a week so not the end of the world but I am going to have to have some serious thinking time about the way forward post March.

The weather doesnt seem to have got any worse so I assume we will head south this morning. Presents not wrapped yet so that can be done tonight.

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2010

Friday again

It snowed again last night.

Still keeping an open mind about getting away tomorrow. Oh dear.

I got champagne and cake for Bills exam result and gave him it when he got back from his film studies class.

Today Im in Stirling and might nip through to Falkirk to see Steven.

I need to wrap the Christmas presents tonight in case we do get away tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 2010


Busy day yesterday with everything going to plan

I got home at 9 pm

I have cancelled the Falkirk session today as there is a bad weather forecast. Have arranged to get the end of coursework later. As it happens it doesn't look icy but may be in the central belt.

Meetings and club visits today.

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2010


I went to bed really early last night and am now awake.

Bill met me off the train and we came home and he made cauliflower cheese for tea which was really tasty.

I was shattered so went to bed to read but fell asleep

it was interesting seeing how little snow there was in Edinburgh and none in Glasgow. Got back to Stirling and then Perth and there is mounds of it everywhere

I've still got a really bad cough and it is showing no signs of going

Busy day today

I've got to get the car from the garage, go through to Stirling, head up to baker st, poss see Enola but not sure, meeting with angie, go up to see Anne, visit St N's and then have Alsorts meeting tonight.

Still very anxious about the weather fir the weekend. I am just hoping that we can get down and then back up on Sunday.

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2010

A 2 interviews sort of day

At struans where mycar is getting serviced. Bill is picking me up and taking me to Edinburgh for first interview and will then drop me at haymarket to get the train to Glasgow for the second one.

I'm taking the view that if I'm meant to get either both or none of them I will.

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2010

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