This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I went to bed really early last night and am now awake.

Bill met me off the train and we came home and he made cauliflower cheese for tea which was really tasty.

I was shattered so went to bed to read but fell asleep

it was interesting seeing how little snow there was in Edinburgh and none in Glasgow. Got back to Stirling and then Perth and there is mounds of it everywhere

I've still got a really bad cough and it is showing no signs of going

Busy day today

I've got to get the car from the garage, go through to Stirling, head up to baker st, poss see Enola but not sure, meeting with angie, go up to see Anne, visit St N's and then have Alsorts meeting tonight.

Still very anxious about the weather fir the weekend. I am just hoping that we can get down and then back up on Sunday.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Morning darling! I had tummyache last night and had to get up at around 3 to throw up, but got back to sleep thereafter. At 4 something someone kept ringing me up so I put the phone on silent. When I got up I see I had 5 missed calls from unknown cellphones.

The wind is still blowing but not as badly as it has been for the past 2 days.

Have a lovely day.

smiley - hug

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