This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Fingers crossed

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Yesterday was a bit of an odd day. I was out for ages but only did 3 hours work.

I went through to the Plus Xmas party but everyone was in groups and Im so useless at mingling that I spoke to Jodie for a few minutes and then went through and did some work.

I was all set to go and see Steven but went to Dobbies to do some Xmas shopping and for lunch and somehow it got too late. I went and did a couple of club visits and was home by 5.

No a very good evening at home. Not sure what is going on.

I had a letter saying I hadnt got the OU post so that was disappointing as I would have really enjoyed that. It was only 6 hours a week so not the end of the world but I am going to have to have some serious thinking time about the way forward post March.

The weather doesnt seem to have got any worse so I assume we will head south this morning. Presents not wrapped yet so that can be done tonight.

Fingers crossed

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Have found some paper so wrapped the big presents.

Ive booked Malmaison for tonight and hopefully will go to dinner at Marco Polo

Not chuffed with Lizzie who hasnt bought the presents yet and Chris hasnt got back to me re his. AAAAGH.

Fingers crossed

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Relax darling. Everything's gonna be all right.

Went to Tygervalley Mall with Vuyiswa and Emihle. You would have hated it - a huge shopping mall with nothing but therapeutic retail outlets. But I'm in my element in a mall, I love it. Been out 6 hours and I'm taking the rest of the day off. Got presents for Vuyi (perfume), uMama kaVuyi (Vuyi's mum) (an iron), Tata Mot (Clint Eastwood movies), Emihle (picture books) and myself - a big biography of Pik Botha in Afrikaans. To help my Afrikaans. That's my Christmas present to myself. Also got curtains for the living room and cushions for the sofas.

Anyway it's a lovely day now so try to relax - that's what I'm doing.

smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

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