Journal Entries

Off to Stirling

Im going to brave the journey to Stirling but wont be late back as the 5pm meeting has been cancelled.

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2010

Back to work

Well I have been working all week but just at home.

I have done everything I can do without going back to Stirling

I'm off to Dundee today and then having lunch with Krysia ( if she gets in to Dundee)

when I get home I'm going to read a book. I never feel as if I can do that as always have work to do

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Latest reply: Dec 7, 2010

A new week

I was awake really early so got up.

I think Im going to do some marking now while the house is quiet.

Chris is going back to work today after the schools having been shut for a week.

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Latest reply: Dec 6, 2010

Posibly not a snow day

I had a very early night, was in bed by 9.30

Yesterday I did some housework, sorted out my new Dundee class marking, read the paper and watched a bit of tv

Today Im hoping to take Finn out with Bill, mark the OSC unit for Falkirk and ooh not sure apart from that. There is a programme on the tv that I want to watch tonight. I missed the first one but it looks good.

The weather forecast is pretty bad. Ho hum.

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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2010

Snow Day 5

I have had a very slow day

I had a bit of a bad night despite my ear being a lot better ( i stopped the painkillers in the middle of Friday evening)

I didnt wake up finally until around 9am

I was supposed to be going to my parents but dont want to risk getting stuck so am having a quiet weekend at home

I went down the garden and filled the bird feeders but couldnt get the hut door open which is a shame

We had a rather nice brunch and I have done the Dundee paperwork. I think Im going to leave the Falkirk marking until tomorrow and will work on the Business Plan on Monday

Going to have ratatouille for dinner tonight and a Sunday dinner with veggie haggis tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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