Journal Entries

Dundee all day

I couldnt post this am as the boards were down

I have had a really busy day.

Class this am which was a bit hard going as I hadnt given them a handout that I thought i had so luckily could copy some

Lunch with Gill which was nice as hadnt seen her for months

Meeting at EDS this afternoon which was interesting and informative

Home just after 4 and time to have a quick look round the garden before it got dark and to catch up on admin

Ringing Richard and my mam and dad tonight and will mark katies project and maybe do some diary planning to work out what I will do when

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 2010

Back to Scotland

It has been a pleasant few days but today I'm heading home

bill is staying until next Sunday and is touring about by train to places like Granada and Cordoba

I will be back into Glasgow by late afternoon and am doing a couple of club visits on way back

Tuesday is Dundee then lunch with Gill and then a meeting
Wednesday I'm not in until lunchtime but am working late

Thursday I will go on train to Stirling and then through to Glasgow for armistead maupin on thurs night, stay in TL thurs night, go to Hyndland first thing Friday , soscn conference all day and then meeting Marian in the evening

Saturday I'm off to Cambridge for the book festival, back Sunday night

it is a busy week really

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Latest reply: Nov 22, 2010

Sunday in Malaga

Had a long day yesterday.

Big hotel breakfast and then a sleep after waking up early

we took the city tour which gave a good overview.

Got off bus and went to picasso's birthplace museum which was very interesting ESP for seeing the work of an Argentinian artist called Berni who was new to me

went to the Picasso museum which was sperm both as a building and in terms of the exhibitions. There was one on toys and avant garde art which was very interesting

it wAs too early to eat at that point as nowhere open until about 8.30 and so we went back to hotel and then out again

went to a fab veggie restaurant in the same square as the Picasso birthplace

had 3 fab food experiences yesterday. The salmon and spinach pasty type thing I had in a bar, carrot cake at Picasso museum and chick pea soup and stuffed aubergine at veggie restaurant

off out on tour bus this am to go fir a walk alo g beach boardwalk

the weather has been great

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Latest reply: Nov 21, 2010

Saturdy in Malaga

The journey here was very straightforward. I managed to sleep on the plane which was good

We are staying at the Barcelo hotel which is at the new railway station and is rather fab with all sorts of uirky touches like a slide from the 1st floor down to the ground floor ( lthough i havent seen anyone use it so far)

The room is lovely.

malaga is a bit of a mess because of building work everywhere but we have found the nice areas and it is lovely

We went for a wander yesterday afternoon and enjoyed eating out in the sun without even a cardigan ( although it did get cold later). Came back and had a lovely sleep and then went out in the evening. We found a fab bodega by chance and ate there. It was wonderful ( anotnio banderas had been there) and they allowed smoking which of course made me think of Richard and how he would have loved it there.

Today we are going to get tickets for the sightseeing bus and will go round once to get a feel for the place and then go and visit the places of interest.

Tomorrow we will take a train somewhere. I gave up on the morrocco idea.

I feel very relaxed which is a relief as Ive been anxious about coming away.

Time for another cup of tea from my trusty travel kettle.

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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2010

Off to Spain

I have been awake since 2.30 and have got up as had a couple of things I needed to do.

Still not looking forward to this trip at all but it is only 3 days so not too bad and then Im home for 3 nights, away in Glasgow for one, home briefly on Friday night and then away to Cambridge first thing Saturday until Sunday night.I have left myself with an empty diary on the morning after getting back from Cambridge which has required some will power on my part.

Need to leave at 4.30.

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 2010

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