Journal Entries

Early Saturday

I woke up when Lizzie started moving about getting ready for work

I had had an early night so decided to get up

It is very dark and quiet

Ive got quite a lot to do this weekend so think I will start it off with a swim and then take it from there. 2 fairly big pieces of work to do. It is funny (?) to think that if I dont get any work to replace my Stirling contract that I will be able to fit all my work into the weekdays and have the weekend free.

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Latest reply: Nov 13, 2010

Friday hoorah

Well the weather is a bit better today

I am having a day working at home. Doing a new thing, internal verification.

My big news is that my certificate came from SQA yesterday which I am really thrilled about.

Yesterday was fine although the weather was quite scary and Im glad that I am a good way through the Falkirk visits as going there takes a massive chunk out of the day.

Oh well better go and do something useful ( like go for a swim). This time next week we will hopefully just have taken off for Spain. Very exciting. I have never been so far south before. Im trying not to think too much about the possibility of going to Tangiers on Saturday in case it doesnt happen

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Latest reply: Nov 12, 2010

All is well

It is very dark this morning. I slept until 6.30 which is rather splendid

Working in Stirling and Falkirk today ( i seem to be saying that every day just now). Will pop round to the flat to collect Richards post and will get the glitter ball and the heater. That just leaves the Audrey Hepburn picture I think.

Working late tonight but tomorrow Im at home all day with a meeting here with Anne late afternoon.

I took Finn for a walk really late on last night which was good.

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Latest reply: Nov 11, 2010

A late start

I woke at 4 ( and heard Lizzie going to work) but managed to get to sleep and only woke again at 7 when Bills alarm went off

Went for a swim ( another cold start to the day) and then met Chris off the bus and ran him home.

I need to get ready and go through to Stirling. Quite a bitty day. Im not really enjoying work at the moment as am spending a lot of time driving between Stirling and Falkirk and feel as if Im not really getting much done.

Because Ive done the conference submission and the job application in theory I have a free evening tonight.

It looks like Bill is going away at the weekend as is Chris. Lizzie is working so a nice quiet weekend for me to get on with the loads of marking I have to do.

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Latest reply: Nov 10, 2010

A slightly different Tuesday

Off to Dundee as usual this morning

home for lunch and then at McD park this afternoon for training on equalities legislation

meant to be going to see a film tonight but have woken up tired yet again so will see how I feel tonight.

Im def feeling a bit mouse on a wheelish just now and could do without going to Spain next week

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 2010

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