This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A slightly different Tuesday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Off to Dundee as usual this morning

home for lunch and then at McD park this afternoon for training on equalities legislation

meant to be going to see a film tonight but have woken up tired yet again so will see how I feel tonight.

Im def feeling a bit mouse on a wheelish just now and could do without going to Spain next week

A slightly different Tuesday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

The morning was ok. The class are very quick and we are getting through the material very fast. No class next week as I am in Glasgow.

Had lunch at home and went round to McD for the training. It was ok and gave me some good info to pass on to the clubs

Home by 4 and have been doing some work ever since and planning a jaunt to London as part of my Cambridge trip later in the month. It will save me doing a special trip in order to see the exhibitions I want to see.

We arent going to the pictures as have too much to do. Bill is sorting out all the dvd's and videos for the new shelves in the study and Im going to work on my OU application

A slightly different Tuesday

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Well after a brief flurry of activity ( well not that brief come to think of it) I have submitted in the past few minutes both my OU application form ( fingers crossed big style for that) and the conference abstract for Cardiff. We will hear about that in January. I suspect that if i get an interview for the OU that it will be quite soon.

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