Journal Entries

Richard has gone

Well technically he hasnt as hopefully is asleep in the hotel but he is gone in all other senses of the word and I am going to miss him so much.

Im trying really hard to get my head round it as in how come 3 years have gone by in such a flash

It has been a busy couple of days. I stayed in Stirling last night hence not writing anything yesterday and didnt get home until midnight.

3 courses under my belt over the last few days. I am really pleased with the new npa group.

Onwards and upwards. No other choice.

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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2010

Another Dundee sort of day

My it is a miserable day today but at least the rain means that there is no ice on the car.

Im off to Dundee soon. Im teaching session 2 of my new class and then meeting some of last years students to go over their work and then observing AM.

I should be home by 3 and then have a shedload of work to do. I need to pull together the programme and the packs for the assertiveness course tomorrow which shouldnt take long really as just need to decide on running order and make up the packs. Ive then got to go through the folders for the visit to the OSC at Faslane tomorrow and sort out what Im going to do with my Falkirk class on Thursday on health and safety, Ive brought all my material home to pull a session together. I also need to pack as staying over on Wednesday night after my mega day of Stirling/Faslane/Thornhill. I am going to go and see Richard after work on his last evening and then head to my hotel ready for an early start on Thursday. I have been meaning to stay in a hotel on a Wed for ages when having a late Wed meeting/Falkirk on a Thursday but this is the first time I have done it.

Bill is going away today as it is his mams birthday tomorrow. They are having a run to N Yorkshire and going to the Tontine with Jan and Chris, Chris and Doreen and Jean. Finn is staying here which means that he is at the mercy of Christopher all day as Im working all day and I think Lizzie is as she is heading off to Glasgow for a few days straight after work at 6. I wont see her until Sunday night at the earliest.

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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2010


Up early doing the usual admin stuff and then went for a swim

Off up to Birnam to have a meeting with Hilary. I got Chris a ticket for Ed Byrne.

Came home and had lunch and went through to Stirling. I was in and out of the office, went to 3 clubs and had a meeting. I then went to see Richard. My last after work visit before he goes. I am finding it really hard.

I came home and had tea and did some e mails and web surfing and Im going to bed now. Ive got a busy day tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Oct 25, 2010


I had a very nice day yesterday

I got some things in town that I was pleased with and then spent the rest of the day pottering, sorting things out for work, reading the papers as predicted, watched a bit of tele and was in bed by 10. Oh and I took Finn out a couple of times and booked some hotels for a trip to London and Eastbourne for a conference in March. By extending the trip I can get to quite a few exhibitions.

Today Im going to go for a swim and will take Finn out this morning and maybe do some work. After lunch Im going through to Stirling to help Richard pack his stuff for SA and also to sort out some of his paperwork etc. I will come home for dinner and to watch a bit of tele before the working week starts again.

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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2010

Another Saturday

Well I managed to get swimming again this morning after a 6 week lay off

It is a nicer day today. Im off to town to take Bill and Chris to the station as they are going to see Spamalot, to take my boot to get fixed and to put some cheques in

After that, having the house to myself for the rest of the day I will probably lie on the settee and read the papers whilst watching the footie and then I need to do some work and no doubt will end up doing some sorting of house and hut and might even sit in the hut with candles and the heater on which would be rather splendid

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Latest reply: Oct 23, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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