Journal Entries


It has been a lovely day for Lizzie's birthday

bill is out with Finn and I am sitting in silence and darkness before the cottage fire

the meal at the rose and crown was fab. We were in a small lounge before and after the meal which really added to the occasion

work now

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Latest reply: Oct 10, 2010


Usual late start at the cottage

having breakfast and then setting off to Rothbury for the weddingsmiley - laugh

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Latest reply: Oct 9, 2010


I slept right through to 7. This is a definite improvement of late.

I have been up and doing various admin things.

I think i will take some work with me to the cottage rather than trying to rush it this morning and then i can send it in on Monday evening when I get home.

Lizzie is in Glasgow.

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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2010


Yesterday was a good if busy day

I went to M and S at Dunblane, then had a meeting with ROSC. WFD meeting most of the afternoon and then some time in the office. Went to see Richard and then had an evening meeting in Thornhill. Went back into Stirling to take Sam's folder to Anne and then home by about 9. I didnt really do very much after that and had a fairly early night.

Bill ordered a new boiler yesterday and various other heating related things. It is all happening in a couple of weeks

Today Im popping into the office, then Falkirk to teach my 2 classes, back to Stirling for a meeting at Alsorts, pop in to See Richard, into the office briefly and then off to Edinburgh for dinner and awards ceremony for the Making Space conference.

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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2010


I didnt wake up until 6.55 and dont think I was awake in the night

Im finishing off some work and will then set off for Stirling

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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