This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Yesterday was a good if busy day

I went to M and S at Dunblane, then had a meeting with ROSC. WFD meeting most of the afternoon and then some time in the office. Went to see Richard and then had an evening meeting in Thornhill. Went back into Stirling to take Sam's folder to Anne and then home by about 9. I didnt really do very much after that and had a fairly early night.

Bill ordered a new boiler yesterday and various other heating related things. It is all happening in a couple of weeks

Today Im popping into the office, then Falkirk to teach my 2 classes, back to Stirling for a meeting at Alsorts, pop in to See Richard, into the office briefly and then off to Edinburgh for dinner and awards ceremony for the Making Space conference.


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Fab evening. Now on train back to car

hyndland got into final 7 so that was very exciting. Some fab projects. I loved one from Zaragoza and there was a fab one from Timbuktu, pop ip learning bags that made a desk and a chair. The winner was an orphanage in Thailand

the food was lovely and Irene told me something very interesting work wise that I will pursue


Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Home just over an hour after I left Edinburgh. I was a bit worried about walking back to the car from the station but there were 3 others doing the same so it was ok.

Busy day tomorrow. I need to finish packing. I would like to type up the St Mary's report but not sure if I will have time. I need to go to Stirling, then to Fintry, then to Thornhill and then to Bridge of Allan. I will then go home and will leave for the cottage.

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