Journal Entries


I'm still not up and it is nearly 10. I only woke after 9 after being awake very early

off to town soon and then will do some work

lizzies new bed arriving today for her newly decorated room

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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2010


I got loads done yesterday which was good

I woke up this morning at 3 as Bill only came to bed then and woke me up. I managed to get back to sleep and woke up at 7 ish and realised that Chris was still here so I woke him up and ran him to work. I went through to Stirling and went to Alsorts, then to the office and then did the annual review with Anne and Lesley.

At lunchtime I went to see Richard and then went out to Aberfoyle and Thornhill on the way back. Had a bit of time in the office and then had a meeting at Playhaven before going round to see Richard for a cuppa on the way home.

Ive had a quiet evening catching up on e mails mainly

Im working at home most of tomorrow. I will head through to Stirling late afternoon, call round to see Richard and then go to my evening meeting. Im not through until 12.30 on Wednesday either. It feels great to have 2 mornings to work at home.

Cameron is here. He forgot his laptop cable so has come back for it. Bill and Lizzie have been finishing her room.

My dad has got diabetes but he only knows because of a test. He hadnt had any symptoms.

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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2010

A very wet sunday

It is very wet today

I got up quite early and took Finn for a walk. We went to the garage and got the papers.

I then took Bill to the train for his trip to see Malcolm in edinburgh

Working today. Lizzie and Cameron will be out at 12 and then I will have the house to myself until sometime after 7

Haggis, neeps and tatties for tea

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2010

Super Saturday

Well, we had the inaugural meeting of the new company today and Im going to be chair.

I slept until about 6 which was great. Bill got up and let Finn out and made tea so I had a bit of a lie in

Went through to Stirling with Hilary and Chris came for the ride on his way to Oban as he was getting a lift from there.

The meeting went really well and we got loads done.

I was home by 3. Bill and Lizzie are painting her room ready for her new bed arriving on Tuesday.

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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2010


Well I woke up at 4 so am pretty tired.

Today is pretty busy

Im through to Stirling first thing, then seeing Richard at lunchtime and then off to Dundee. Im only there for an hour but it will take a big chunk out of the afternoon.

I will be home by 4 though.

Chris is off to Stirling for the weekend, Lizzie is working and Bill is probably going to Edinburgh on Sunday to meet malcolm.

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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2010

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