This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I'm still not up and it is nearly 10. I only woke after 9 after being awake very early

off to town soon and then will do some work

lizzies new bed arriving today for her newly decorated room


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Home again, home again jiggetty jog.

I didnt go to town but got on with work intstead. I also did some bits and pieces of jobs.

Chris got an extra shift which is good.

I was at home until 4 and then went through to Stirling. I spent some time in the office and then went to see Richard and then to an evening meeting with a potential new group.

I got home about 8.30.

I have been thinking about how I work

At the moment

Stirling 26 hours including travelling there and back

Dundee 6 hours

SOSCN 2 hours ( averaged out over the year)

Falkirk 7 hours

Playwork centre stuff 1 hour

and then all the prep and research and admin on top of that.

It will all change in March when I stop doing the Stirling work. I wonder what I will be doing then


Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

and Ive got my other 2 Falkirk hours per week ( plus travel time)

I need to really think through how I work and what I do especially once we have the new company up and running

Just had dinner, spag bol with ciabatta and tiramisu for pudding

Tomorrow Im going to

Do some work at home

Leave about 11.30

Meeitng in the office

Meeting at Baker St

Visit St Ninian's

Visit Richard

Meeting and 1 to 1 at Thornhill

Home by 9 I hope

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