Journal Entries

A wet Sunday morning

It is ever so wet today

I got woken up by Chris's alarm even though he is in London. So annoying

I feel a bit better today but wont go swimming. I think I will have a quiet day generally.

Lizzie is at work at 3.30 and Bill will be home tonight.

Ive got some work to do and some jobs to do and some admin but other than that nothing pressing.

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Latest reply: Sep 19, 2010

Feeling dreadful

I'm now back at home and feeling terrible. I've just had a sleep which I think has helped.

Lizzie has just gone to Edinburgh to a fancy dress party dressed as goldilocks

I am going to get up now to try to do something

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Latest reply: Sep 18, 2010

Helen's wedding

I could do without the horrible cold I have

I was in bed by 8.30. We ate at the hotel and bill went out after I had hone to sleep. I only stayed awake ling enough to watch the pope's visit on the news

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2010

Off to Durham

I've been awake for ages

I think almost ready to go

I need to fo s couple of things in Stirling and then head to Falkirk. Bill is coming through to meet me and then we will head to Durham

lizzie got back ok although didn't hear her come in

chris is off to London tomorrow and Brighton on Sunday

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2010

A less complicated day than expected

Didn't go to Dundee after all as meeting cancelled . A 10 hour day in Stirling instead

home to pack and away first thing tomorrow

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Latest reply: Sep 15, 2010

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