Journal Entries

Back to work

I was in the office at 8.30 today fir a meeting with Janet about the exit strategy for my post. It's like planning your own funeral without the hymns

I then nipped round to see Richard which was lovely before going for the train

the meeting was good exc that nearly everyone there is likely to lose their job. Emmas post is def going

I had a nice chat with Irene after the meeting. I'm going with her to a conference dinner next month. There is going to be an OSC table as Hyndland are up for an award. It is about space and there are projects from as far as Japan in the running.

I'm now on the train back to Stirling and will head for my Play First meeting.

I don't want to be too late home as tomorrow is manic. Perth/Stirling/Dundee/ Stirling /Perth. I'm doing the Dundee bit by train.

I've got to prep for Falkirk on Thursday and pack for going away. I'm hoi g to have to work all weekend when I get back.

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Latest reply: Sep 14, 2010

Last day in Berlin

We are goi g home today

I have been for an hours swim and after breakfast we will go to the Bauhaus archive which is just across the canal

we will then head into town for a last wander around Hackescher Mkt and the Museum island

it really has been a superb weekend

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Latest reply: Sep 13, 2010

Sunny Berlin sunday

It is another lovely day

I have been for a swim

off to Potsdam this morning

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Latest reply: Sep 12, 2010

A ver sunny Saturday in berlin

Having a fab trip

have walked miles

I'm really enjoying being in Berlin again and getting a feelcgor the place

the weather is really hot and sunny

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Latest reply: Sep 11, 2010


I didn't write yesterday

it was a busy day and I was really tired

I spent last night maily watching the programme about the popes visit that richard was in the audience of

I have been awake since 3

all travel to Berlin has been easy and I'm sitting in my gave cafe here having spinach and feta crepe for lunch. I'm going to walk to inter den linden after this and then get a tram to the hotel

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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

Researcher U6862284

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