Journal Entries

A windy day

Blimey it is so windy

I had a lovely swim earlier. I went not long after 7 which is a lot earlier than I have been going.

I then went to Tesco and came home to pack and get ready for going away.

Im so looking forward to this trip. It is nice and near and is also only for 2 nights.

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2010

Happy Saturday

I went to bed early again last night so woke up at 5am

I have a whole day to myself and Im not going to do any work apart from maybe a bit of sorting of work to do next week and some e mails.

My plan for the day is the same as it was last night exc that I got a text from S to say that she will be in Perth for the weekend. Teatime tonight is my only free time while she is here so hopefully we can meet for a cuppa before I go out with Bill and Chris.

I feel very relaxed for the first time in I dont know how long.

I have a gap now until I start my V units after Christmas. I wonder how I should spend the spare time.

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2010

TGI Friday

I slept really well having gone to bed very early. I was SO tired last night. It has been a hard week in terms of pressure and also having the extra work for SOSCN to fit in.

Today is my last day until Wednesday which is nice apart from the fact that I dont cope very well with not working. Ho hum. Im taking my swimming things and have 3 books to read and hopefully will get out on the beach as much as possible with Finn so that will be good.

I actually have quite a lot to do today as need to go to the bank, swim and then read through the stuff for this afternoon before I can head off.

Lizzie and Cameron are going to the cottage tonight which will be lovely for them. Lizzie was in Edinburgh last night seeing some of her old schoolfriends. I didnt hear her come back but she did as car as is there.

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Latest reply: Aug 27, 2010

Nearly forgot again

A long day

I was out at 8 and home at 8

everything went smoothly although it had the potential for being a difficult day

I was shattered when I got in and just watched Insp George Gently

tomorrow is easier. Working at home in morning, then Stirling for a couple of hours and then Cumbernauld again.

I saw the new statue on the A 80. It was rather nice although appears to have 4 arms and to not know if it is an angel or a mermaid.

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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2010

I am a free woman

I was going to write a long and reflective journal entry this morning about how I am feeling post SVQ 4 but the site was down and I now dont have enough time.

Im off for a swim now and then have some time at home to sort things out re my training materials, then off to Stirling and not home until late

It is a lovely day and im off for a swim. I didnt have time yesterday and the pool was shut on Monday as no hot water for the showers.

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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