This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Happy Saturday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I went to bed early again last night so woke up at 5am

I have a whole day to myself and Im not going to do any work apart from maybe a bit of sorting of work to do next week and some e mails.

My plan for the day is the same as it was last night exc that I got a text from S to say that she will be in Perth for the weekend. Teatime tonight is my only free time while she is here so hopefully we can meet for a cuppa before I go out with Bill and Chris.

I feel very relaxed for the first time in I dont know how long.

I have a gap now until I start my V units after Christmas. I wonder how I should spend the spare time.

Happy Saturday

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Ive booked the hotels for Durham for the 16th and Cambridge for Nov for the Book Festival/ML meet.

I am now 90 mins behind schedule so had better stir my stumps and go for a swim.

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