Journal Entries

A rainy day

Back from Dundee to a cheque ( well 3 cheques) and a very good quote for the conservatory so we will go with that one.

Just having a break and then I will get on with my SVQ

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Latest reply: Aug 24, 2010

Another very odd start to the day

I got a text saying not to go to the pool because they had no hot water. Stayed in bed as a result but then Chris rang to say he had missed the bus so I went to get him and take him to work. I took Finn and was very glad I had as we went for a lovely walk on the way back

Ive been working on my SVQ all morning and have it all in place now.

Bill has gone to work to clear his desk. He is having a leaving lunch on Sept 23rd

Im off to Stirling soon. Ive got a busy afternoon and evening.

Dundee tomorrow am to sort out placements and then I have the afternoon and evening to write up the last of my SVQ stuff

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2010

A better start

It is nice to be back to normal

I woke early as usual and came downstiars. I had a cup of tea ( or two) , fed the dog, folded the washing, printed off some tickets etc

Im going for a swim in a minute. Later we are going up Kinnoull Hill and then this afternoon Im going to the art gallery as only found out yesterday that it is open on a Sunday in the summer.

Ive made a decision about something on Wednesday so as to maximise time for finishing SVQ. Im going to give it to Anne on Friday.

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2010

Another Saturday

I didn't get chance to write anything yesterday.

Another 12 Hour day

went to The Bothy with Bill and Rosemary last night. VG

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2010

Imj shattered but at least the tomatoes are going read

Blimey Im back to the really long days already. 8 until 9 yesterday and 7 until 6.30 today. Im in the office at 8 tomorrow so leaving around 7 again. Rosemary is coming tomorrow night but she doesnt know if she is staying or not.

I had quite a late night as watched the end of a Poirot when I got in and then a Waking the Dead.

Today I went to the office, went to Falkirk and saw all my students. had a gap and then went to start a new student. Back to Stirling, well sort of in that I was in Thornhill doing the play activity that i needed to do for my svq with Anne watching me. While I was there I thought about how to structure it so as to make it more relevant to my post.

I finished there about 20 to 6 and came home the cross country way. Im never sure if it is quicker but it comes out at Dunblane so nearer home.

I got home and Bill wasnt here. I had forgotten that he is going out with Bob. Chris is going out to meet Carleen.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with Janet at 8, taking R to see Dr G at 9, back to the office after that and then out to Falkirk to see 2nd new student and also to see 3 of my current lot.

I cant decide whether to watch Mistresses.

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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