Journal Entries

Busy day, quiet evening

I have had a very busy day. It has also been quite hot.

I took Anne out to the Riverhouse for lunch to thank her for her support with my SVQ. We also had a meeting to discuss future students and came up with a different plan for the course Im running in the autumn.

I have the house to myself again. Im sitting with the chimenea on listening to radio 4.

I am glad it is the weekend. This time next week I will be in Berlin.

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2010

Another lovely day

It has been a long day but a good one

I went to bed as soon as I could last night but woke at 4. I went back to sleep and woke up in time to be out for 8am

I did my 2 Falkirk classes, took R to the shop while I got petrol, went into the office for an hour, went out to ST which was really enjoyable, went to Thornhill and had a good catch up with Sam and was home for 6.15

I have the house to myself which is rather fab. Im having bubble and squeak and have had the chimenea on. Chris is at the pub as they had an inpsection today and Lizzie is on 3-1.

Ive got some work to do for tomorrow but can relax pretty much most of the evening.

Tomorrow I need to go to Dunblane either on the way in or the way home, have a meeting with Janet followed by a meeting with Anne. Anne and I are then going to the Riverhouse for lunch. Falkirk in the afternoon to do an observation and then back to Stirling.

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Latest reply: Sep 2, 2010

1st day of Bills retirement

It is a very early start for me today as I want to be in Cumbernauld by 7.30

Im then in Stirling for the rest of the day.

Bill leaves tonight for his jaunt so I will take him to the train at sometime just before midnight.

I went to bed really early last night and have been awake since about 4am.

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Latest reply: Sep 1, 2010

Home again

What a good trip that was. This morning I got up really early and went to the beach. I was the only person there so let Finn off. I then went in the pool and sat in the outdoor one in the sun again.

After breakfast we checked out and drove into town. We parked and walked along the beach to the outdoor cafe at the seabird centre.

Home about 2.30 and as it was so hot had to do some emergency work in the greenhouse.

It is nice to be home

Cameron didnt pass his test so they are on their way back from Aberdeen now. What a shame for him.

This is Bills last official day of work today.

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 2010

A fab start to the day

I have had the most lovely start to the day. Got up really early and sorted some stuff I had brought to do. I then took Finn for a walk which was really nice. Then went to the pool and had a lovely swim and then sat under the waterfall in the outdoor pool on the sun. Bill had woken up when I got back so we went for breakfast. I had smoked haddock and poached egg. Came back here and had a liovely sleep. Off for a walk alo g the beach now.

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Latest reply: Aug 30, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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