This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Another lovely day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

It has been a long day but a good one

I went to bed as soon as I could last night but woke at 4. I went back to sleep and woke up in time to be out for 8am

I did my 2 Falkirk classes, took R to the shop while I got petrol, went into the office for an hour, went out to ST which was really enjoyable, went to Thornhill and had a good catch up with Sam and was home for 6.15

I have the house to myself which is rather fab. Im having bubble and squeak and have had the chimenea on. Chris is at the pub as they had an inpsection today and Lizzie is on 3-1.

Ive got some work to do for tomorrow but can relax pretty much most of the evening.

Tomorrow I need to go to Dunblane either on the way in or the way home, have a meeting with Janet followed by a meeting with Anne. Anne and I are then going to the Riverhouse for lunch. Falkirk in the afternoon to do an observation and then back to Stirling.

Another lovely day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Still on my own, this is bliss.

I took Finn out for a walk just as it was getting dark

I have booked my place for the Cardiff Play Conference and am about to book a place on the Play Scotland one.

Another lovely day

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Chris is home. They had a second CC visit today and it went really well. They went up from 3's to 4's and 5's. He also had a really good driving lesson today which is great news.

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