Journal Entries


Dog walk and swim and the usual jobs before work

Class went well, was then in the office for a few hours working on my new course and having a meeting

Went to see Richard who is going to London at the same time as Im going to Berlin

I was home hours earlier than usual and was very pleased as Tricia rang. It being a very small world she like 2 of my cousins works in the same college as one of the ML persons sons. Her adoption of Rosie is now into its 3rd year and all seems to be going well. They are going to come up and we will go to Edinburgh Zoo.

Im going to make Toad in the hole for tea

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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2010

It is very wet and windy

I took Finn for a walk and it was very windy. I then went for a very nice 45 min swim but came out of the pool to discover torrentail rain

I came home and measured my case and it is well within Ryanair limits and I also found 70 euro so that is good. I now have all my documentation etc ready for the trip and most of my clothes packed

I dont need to be in Stirling until 1.30 which is rather good. This is a much easier week than usual.

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Latest reply: Sep 7, 2010

Late arrival at my own blog

The day got off to a bad start as I woke at 4.22

I spent ages chatting to Moira on e mail and then got back to sleep

I was awoken at 10 to 8 by Chris wanting a lift. It took ages to get back through town so it was 8.45 and really busy by the time i got into the pool.

I had a quiet morning at home working and doing jobs

Went to see Lorna, then into office, then to Falkirk and then back to office

Went to see Richard on the way home

Quiet evening. Just me and Chris in. I made a fish pie which is delicious. Im now eating Lizzies cookies and cream ice cream which I will replace tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Sep 6, 2010

A slightly damp start to the day

I was up quite late because of having a sleep in the late afternoon.

I woke and got up quite early and have been working

Im now going to go for a swim and to Tesco

I will then take Finn out and will do some more work.

Lizzie is doing something different today and is back at her old work. Cameron is taking his bike test again so fingers crossed big time for that.

Chris is still in Edinburgh but will be back tonight.

I have a few gardening jobs that I want to get done and also some sorting of work stuff

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Latest reply: Sep 5, 2010

A nice start to the day

I went to bed early and woke early

I have been up and watered the tomatoes, done some washing, pottered about etc.

Im off to do the shopping now and will then have a swim.

It is hard to tell what the weather is going to be like today.

Finn has just taken all the stuffing out of his reindeer.

Chris is off to Edinburgh to see James and Lotte. Im not sure what Lizzie is doing as havent seen her for days because she is working 3pm-1am.

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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