This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose


Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Dog walk and swim and the usual jobs before work

Class went well, was then in the office for a few hours working on my new course and having a meeting

Went to see Richard who is going to London at the same time as Im going to Berlin

I was home hours earlier than usual and was very pleased as Tricia rang. It being a very small world she like 2 of my cousins works in the same college as one of the ML persons sons. Her adoption of Rosie is now into its 3rd year and all seems to be going well. They are going to come up and we will go to Edinburgh Zoo.

Im going to make Toad in the hole for tea


Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well we had the toad in the hole and it was delicious. Chris then went out with Kirsten to the pictures.

I have worked all night on an Aiming High report.

I am SO tired it is untrue. Bed I think after I have let Finn out. Early start tomorrow and home late as I have a meeting at Dunblane in the evening. I have packed my stuff for Berlin.

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