This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

It is very wet and windy

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I took Finn for a walk and it was very windy. I then went for a very nice 45 min swim but came out of the pool to discover torrentail rain

I came home and measured my case and it is well within Ryanair limits and I also found 70 euro so that is good. I now have all my documentation etc ready for the trip and most of my clothes packed

I dont need to be in Stirling until 1.30 which is rather good. This is a much easier week than usual.

It is very wet and windy

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

If the weather stays like this I'll have to take a proper rucksack with changes of clothes in case it gets warmer down South. My old black shoes leak so I'll have to wear my new DMs.

It is very wet and windy

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

It might be better in London. Look on the BBC weather forecast online

It is very wet and windy

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Heavy rain for Saturday.

Much thought needed now.

When you come round you can check out how my black jumper looks with the jeans. It's all getting a bit much. I might even have to take a proper rucksack with changes of clothes.

It is very wet and windy

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

I will be round about 6

It is very wet and windy

Post 6

MV Whitby May Rose

Home now after a fairly uneventful day

The weather is shocking

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