This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Late arrival at my own blog

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

The day got off to a bad start as I woke at 4.22

I spent ages chatting to Moira on e mail and then got back to sleep

I was awoken at 10 to 8 by Chris wanting a lift. It took ages to get back through town so it was 8.45 and really busy by the time i got into the pool.

I had a quiet morning at home working and doing jobs

Went to see Lorna, then into office, then to Falkirk and then back to office

Went to see Richard on the way home

Quiet evening. Just me and Chris in. I made a fish pie which is delicious. Im now eating Lizzies cookies and cream ice cream which I will replace tomorrow.

Late arrival at my own blog

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hello darling!

I thought I'd come over onto your Journal and say Hi.

I'm watching Bible Study on Revelation TV.

Very good indeed.

Just had a long phone call with my brother. Really, really looking forward to seeing him on Saturday. We're going to try to get the same train up.

Late arrival at my own blog

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose


Im very late arent i? If i hadnt been quite so rushed this morning I would have asked you to write my journal for me but I didnt even have time to do that.

That is grand re peter

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