This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A nice start to the day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I went to bed early and woke early

I have been up and watered the tomatoes, done some washing, pottered about etc.

Im off to do the shopping now and will then have a swim.

It is hard to tell what the weather is going to be like today.

Finn has just taken all the stuffing out of his reindeer.

Chris is off to Edinburgh to see James and Lotte. Im not sure what Lizzie is doing as havent seen her for days because she is working 3pm-1am.

A nice start to the day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well it has been a very nice day but like all weekend days has gone far too quickly

The weather has been fab. I wish it could always be like this

I mainly pottered about at home. Chris and I got new garden storage chests and Lizzie and Cameron built them. We all went down to the event on the field with Finn and it seemed to be great fun.

I had a lovely sleep, then spoke to my mam and dad, then went for a swim and then took Finn for a walk.

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