This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

A slightly damp start to the day

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I was up quite late because of having a sleep in the late afternoon.

I woke and got up quite early and have been working

Im now going to go for a swim and to Tesco

I will then take Finn out and will do some more work.

Lizzie is doing something different today and is back at her old work. Cameron is taking his bike test again so fingers crossed big time for that.

Chris is still in Edinburgh but will be back tonight.

I have a few gardening jobs that I want to get done and also some sorting of work stuff

A slightly damp start to the day

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I have had another nice day but just like yesterday it has gone too fast

I did the gardening jobs that i needed to do and have done some work but not the sorting. Ive got a pretty easy week so time to do it during the week

Cameron passed his test

Chris needs picking up in Dundee at 10.15

I have been for a nice walk with Finn and will take him out again in Dundee if not before

I am making ratatouille and baked potato with potato, aubergine and tomato from the garden.

A slightly damp start to the day

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Fantastic that Cameron passed his test.

Home made ratatouille with veggies from the garden - very nice. I used to like grated cheese on my ratatouille.

smiley - chef

A slightly damp start to the day

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

It was delicious.

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