Journal Entries

Another lovely day

It is absolutley lovely today

Im teaching at 12. Didnt need to get to Stirling before that unless R needed a lift and he isnt going so having some time working at home. In my role as unofficial WRVS driver I am now however taking Bill to the hospital for an appt at the Orthopaedic clinic but cant wait as need to get to Stirling.

Yesterday was a bit of a wash out work wise. The weather however turned out as they say nice.

I was out having elevenses with Hilary for hours putting the world to rights as usual. We went to a hotel which looks like it would be really good for meals so we will go there next month to celebrate Dave and Bills fairly close together birthdays.

A man came re a conservatory and he was here for hours. It is a better deal than the other one. Man no 3 coming today but Bill will deal with him.

After that I went for a very nice sleep. Had leek and mushroom pasta bake for dinner ( and we were all there which was nice).

Later Bill and I took Finn for a walk and then we went to Tesco

Cameron got brake fluid in his eye and was in A and E for 4 hours

Watched Wire in the Blood until 1am and then woke fairly early.

Plan for today is teach, see R, go out to Thornhill and then back to Stirling for evening meeting ( if it is on). Ive got SVQ work to do in any gaps.

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2010

Oh no it's raining

Blimey that was a surprise opening the curtains after yesterday being so nice

I did some work on my course last night in the bedroom as C and L and Cameron and Thomas were watching the Man u v Newcastle game and then just chatting. It sounds like they were having a really good time.

Im meeting Hilary this morning and then will be doing more coursework this afternoon

The Stirling schools go back today although Perth and Dundee are off until wednesday. Stirling are taking the 6th of Sept off as a curriculum for excellence day which is why the others are off today.

Janet's gran has died so I dont know if she will be in tomorrow which means no Playhaven meeting. It doesnt mean I can go home early as I still have an Alsorts meeting at 6.30 though.

Off for a swim now.

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2010

The start of a new school year

Well thats it. The holidays are over.

Yesterday was such a nice day

Just before the cyclists finished Jane and Bridget came along out for a walk in Perth with the twins who are lovely ( although they didnt wake up).

Bill was so pleased to have finished the ride and he has been asked about the possibility of more work related stuff. He keeps being asked to do things when he retires which is great. It happened on Saturday as well when he went to an event in Muirton and got asked to be a director of the local trust. Lizzie and Cameron and Thomas were also there to meet him. They had come down when I said what was happening and walked round the inch until the cycle finished. There was a reception after it which i could have gone to but not my thing. Bill got an engraved tankard for being treasurer which he wasnt expecting.

I came home and pottered. Bill got back a couple of hours later and then Chris came back. He was quite quiet but said he had had a really good time. Lizzie and Cameron set off to go to youth group but they didnt go and went to a beach on the river instead.

I read the papers and watched a new Tricks that i hadnt seen before. Failry early night and up early this morning.

im going for a swim and then off to Dundee.

I feel back on track after a few pretty rough days. I really dont know what caused that.

I wonder where I will be and what I will be doing this time next year. I really dont like uncertainty.

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Latest reply: Aug 16, 2010

Sunny, summery Sunday

What a fab day and I will have the house to myslef to enjoy it for hours yet.

I woke up in the night but managed to get back to sleep fine. I didnt hear Lizzie go to work but was aware of Bill going out for his cycle event. Cameron was here but I woke him up and sent him off to church as dont want to upset his parents.

I slept quite late the second time but have been up and pottering and picking jobs off since then.

Im still really worn out so swithering about whether to have a whole day off rather than getting some work done. I need to get stuff ready for Dundee tomorrow at the very least.

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2010


I dont actually have to do anything today if I dont want to which is a very odd feeling.

I do feel as if I need to spend some time on the house and garden and to walk Finn and to go for a swim but apart from that I can choose.

I might type up another report and do some coursework or I might not. Tomorrow is the same. I try not to do too much the weekends that I am at home but usually have at least one thing that I need to do

Bill finished his essay and got it away

Lizzie has come home in her break to get Cameron and take him home. She only has one more 5am shift for now.

Im still really tired and not sure why. I dont usually wake up tired but have for the past few days. Not good.

I will probably watch Gillette Soccer Saturday and read the papers at the same time.

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Latest reply: Aug 14, 2010

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MV Whitby May Rose

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