This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Oh no it's raining

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Blimey that was a surprise opening the curtains after yesterday being so nice

I did some work on my course last night in the bedroom as C and L and Cameron and Thomas were watching the Man u v Newcastle game and then just chatting. It sounds like they were having a really good time.

Im meeting Hilary this morning and then will be doing more coursework this afternoon

The Stirling schools go back today although Perth and Dundee are off until wednesday. Stirling are taking the 6th of Sept off as a curriculum for excellence day which is why the others are off today.

Janet's gran has died so I dont know if she will be in tomorrow which means no Playhaven meeting. It doesnt mean I can go home early as I still have an Alsorts meeting at 6.30 though.

Off for a swim now.

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Oh no it's raining

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