Journal Entries

Off to Glasgow

I had one of my quietest days in ages yesterday. I went for a sleep in the early afternoon after a morning mainly spent catching up on e mails and then we went through to Birnam. I had hoped to see the Garden project photos in more depth than last week but it had finished. Had tea and cake/scone and then went for a walk along the river with Finn. It was very wet and we all got soaked. I had a really quiet evening. Bill made the tea and then we watched taggart.

Chris and Lizzie back today. They are going via Glasgow so that Lizzie can see Cameron. He has a resit tomorrow.

I got up really early so that Finn had some company before we go to Glasgow. We arent able to have much time there because we cant leave him for too long.

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2010

A quiet day

As I suspected yesterday was a bit much. Still I dont have days like that very often. It was enjoyable though.

I got home sometime after 11 having had a very quick pop in to see Richard on the way home.

I sat up for a short while but was in bed just before midnight.

Today I really dont have very much that I absolutely must do which is a very nice feeling. Lots of little bits and pieces of jobs and quite a lot of emails to reply to.

I love days at home so much. The garden has the sun shining on it and it looks so nice and Finn is sitting beside me looking out stirring only every now and then to go and chase a visiting pigeon.

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Latest reply: Aug 1, 2010

IPA conference

Well Im off to Dumbarton this morning with Lesley and Anne. I am picking them up at Annes at 9.15 so need to leave at 8.15 as need to get petrol and the papers.

So the plan for today is

8.15 leave

9.15 Pick up A and L

10.30-1.45 Conference and AGM

2.30 Have a summit at Doyles re our new project

4pm Pop in to see R

5pm home and get changed

6.45 leave for Stirling again

7.30 Meal for Barbara leaving/call in to see R on way home.

A bit of a busy day for a Saturday but I have tomorrow free. Away next weekend to go on the Settle/Carlisle on Friday and then to have lunch on Sat with AMS at The Tontine but then home for 2, away to N Berwick for one for Bills birthday, poss 2 if Moira comes over in which case as I have Finn that weekend we will need to work around that, then away to Berlin, then Helens wedding so hardly any time at home until late September.

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Latest reply: Jul 31, 2010

Off to Edinburgh

Im not sure what to do with this morning. This is such a lovely and unusual feeling. I hardly ever have time that isnt allocated. Oh dear Finn has just chased the cat that likes to come and sit in the compost away off the greenhouse roof. That is a shame, it is nice having a cat in the garden.

So, what to do? I will take Finn out and do some housework of course but then what?

I dont need to be out of the house until about 3.30 for going to Edinburgh.

Having a big think about something I had come to terms with and also having another big think about something I have never come to terms with. Ho hum.

Right. Onwards and upwards.

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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2010

Off to Airdrie

Im up early as I have work to do for an AHS visit to Airdrie this afternoon.

Yesterday went well. I saw Anne re my SVQ and am nearly finished ( hooray), went and saw Richard, did everything else on my list etc etc. I didnt see the kids when i got home as they had gone.

Bill has the dr today. He is worried as the symptoms arent going. He forgot to order the washing machine. I cant believe that given that he has come back with 2 weeks worth of clothes to wash.

I feel very relaxed over what i have to do over the next few days. Easy day today ( as long as the roadworks arent too bad), home tomorrow am and then off to Edinburgh tomorrow evening for the Impressionist Gardens opening ( via going to see the conservatory). Saturday Im picking lesley and Anne up and we are going to the IPA conference which looks great. We are going to have a meeting at Doyles re our proposed new organisation at Doyles on the way back. I will come home for a while and then back to Stirling in the evening for Barbaras leaving do which is us plus the nursery staff.

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2010

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