This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Off to Edinburgh

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im not sure what to do with this morning. This is such a lovely and unusual feeling. I hardly ever have time that isnt allocated. Oh dear Finn has just chased the cat that likes to come and sit in the compost away off the greenhouse roof. That is a shame, it is nice having a cat in the garden.

So, what to do? I will take Finn out and do some housework of course but then what?

I dont need to be out of the house until about 3.30 for going to Edinburgh.

Having a big think about something I had come to terms with and also having another big think about something I have never come to terms with. Ho hum.

Right. Onwards and upwards.

Off to Edinburgh

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I have done a bit of work towards my exciting new venture with my friends and have remembered that i should really pay my mid year tax bill.

Off to Edinburgh

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Well that was good. I have finally registered for online business banking. No more having to move money physically from one account to another.

Off to Edinburgh

Post 4

MV Whitby May Rose

Enjoyed Edinburgh although it was very full of tourists. The exhibtion was superb and I really enjoyed the talk by the co curator. He focussed on the paintings that I liked. There was a Klimt which I really liked from the bit at the end which had some post impressionists

we then went to La Tasca and had a really nice meal. The quality of the food there is really good.

I am very tired as have to be out early tomorrow to pick Anne and Lesley up in Stirling and then go to Dumbarton and back. Home briefly and then back down to Stirling for Barbaras leaving do. The venue is the Birds and the Bees now not the Portcullis. It will be less squashed. I will def be out of my comfort zone with the nursery staff being there as well as us so will only stay for the food and then beat a hasty retreat. Sometimes living 35 miles away has its advantages.

We went to see the conservatory. He is putting us under pressure to sign a deal by Sunday but there is no way. Bill doesnt know what his settlement is going to be.

Im having an early night. Long day tomorrow

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