This is a Journal entry by MV Whitby May Rose

Off to Glasgow

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

I had one of my quietest days in ages yesterday. I went for a sleep in the early afternoon after a morning mainly spent catching up on e mails and then we went through to Birnam. I had hoped to see the Garden project photos in more depth than last week but it had finished. Had tea and cake/scone and then went for a walk along the river with Finn. It was very wet and we all got soaked. I had a really quiet evening. Bill made the tea and then we watched taggart.

Chris and Lizzie back today. They are going via Glasgow so that Lizzie can see Cameron. He has a resit tomorrow.

I got up really early so that Finn had some company before we go to Glasgow. We arent able to have much time there because we cant leave him for too long.

Off to Glasgow

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

I really enjoyed our time in Glasgow. We parked at Kelvinbridge and got the tube along to Hillhead. We had a bit of a wander and also a cuppa in a lovely little cafe.

We met up with Rosemary and had a really lovely meal. Chris joined us at the end as he had been dropped off by Lizzie. When they had got to Camerons a few minutes earlier he had realised that his motorbike had been stolen

Lizzie is coming back tonight. She starts a 2 week block of 5am starts so I will be getting up with her. That will be fun on my working days. I just hope she manages to get up on Fri , Sat and Sun when i wont be here. I suppose I could ring her to make sure she is up.

Finn was very pleased to see us come home. There was lots of wagging and bringing of toys.

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