Journal Entries

It really is Friday

I had quite a packed day

I went for a swim

Went to Dunblane for a meeting which was a bit of a nightmare but i thought on my feet and think the situation is recovered

Went into the office and then to rosc, to Baker St and to put a funding application in

Headed through to Bellshill to do their assessment

Went back to Stirling and got Richards meds that they didnt have on Wednesday, went and got him and we went to the fab Indian again. I just hope he is ok tonight. He is worried about it all.

I got home and Chris was just going out with Micheal. Lizzie is at Cameron's. I am just about to take Finn out. He is a bit restless.

The design for the conservatory has come. I really love it and hope Bill likes it.

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2010

I thought it was Friday

Blimey I feel really confused today

The CR Smith man came and gave me a quote. Im going to go and have a look at the one that i like on Sunday on my way back from seeing Max in Edinburgh

I went to bed quite late, woke early and then kept falling asleep until finally waking at 10.40. I have felt a bit odd all day.

I have done some work, moved a few bits and pieces around and kind of faffed. I have more work to do tonight and will take the dog out a couple more times. I hopefully will also go for a swim

Bill got a letter today saying he has a fixed penalty fine for driving over the High Level Bridge. Nice to know that Northumbria's finest werent exepnding all their energies looking for R Moat the morning after he shot the policeman.

It is very wet today but hot now. Very odd weather.

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2010

Wet Wednesday

I got quite a lot done yesterday but all in lovely summer slow motion

Today was quite long

I stayed up until 1am but then was awake at 6.

I took Finn out, had breakfast, took Chris to work and did quite a lot of jobs and was still in Stirling for 9. I went out to Thornhill, back into the office for a while, off to see Jackie to get something signed, office again, Alsorts, Fun Day at Devlin Court where I held a snake. There was a really good turn out despite the awful weather. Went to ROSC and into town briefly. Oh i went to Baker St as well to drop some marked work off. I went back into the office and then went and got Richard to take him to the dr and then to the shop. I went round for a cuppa after we had shopped.

Home at 7.15 and Chris and I had pizza and watched the Simpsons. Im now waiting for the CR Smith person to arrive.

I have a few e mails to catch up on tonight but otherwise a quiet evening as Im working at home tomorrow.

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2010

Monsoon Tuesday

I cant remember if I wrote last night that Bill has got the news he wanted.

It is a bit cloudy and overcast today

Im off into town now to go to the Monsoon sale and to do a couple of other things, go to the PO to collect the Denmark top that Chris got for buying his new phone and for a swim

I slept until 8am today ( I was awake earlier but then went back to sleep).

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2010

A nice bright Monday

A quick entry. I need to write more tonight. I also need to write to Norma.

It is a lovely day. Im heading off to Stirling now for a few hours and then to Dundee. I should be home by 4 which will be nice.

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2010

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